• The Griffin's Cigarillos (3 3/8 x 20)


The Griffin's cigars are an example of the outstanding cigars produced by Davidoff of Geneva and Henke Kelner. The Griffin's outstanding flavor is achieved by blending Dominican tobaccos from various regions and harvests, similar to that of a good brandy. Super smooth, Connecticut shade-grown wrappers coddle the filler tobaccos to create a creamy, complex flavor for the expert, which fulfills even the highest aspirations.



Strength: Mild to Medium

Wrapper: Connecticut

Binder: Dominican

Filler: Dominican

Origin: Dominican Republic

The Griffin's Cigarillos (3 3/8 x 20)

MSRP: $16.00
7%  OFF



Strength: Mild to Medium

Wrapper: Connecticut

Binder: Dominican

Filler: Dominican

Origin: Dominican Republic

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  • Description

    The Griffin's cigars are an example of the outstanding cigars produced by Davidoff of Geneva and Henke Kelner. The Griffin's outstanding flavor is achieved by blending Dominican tobaccos from various regions and harvests, similar to that of a good brandy. Super smooth, Connecticut shade-grown wrappers coddle the filler tobaccos to create a creamy, complex flavor for the expert, which fulfills even the highest aspirations.



    Strength: Mild to Medium

    Wrapper: Connecticut

    Binder: Dominican

    Filler: Dominican

    Origin: Dominican Republic