Is Your Humidor Ready For The Cold Weather?
Posted by Corona Cigar Co. on Nov 2 2016

Is Your Humidor Ready For The Cold Weather?
If you live in the far southern regions in the winter, you probably are not thinking too much about cold weather. For those of us in the northern regions, cold weather is the norm. Either way, you do not want to think about the effects of cold weather; you just want to enjoy the season, right?
During the winter months, your humidors can be greatly impacted because the cold weather will have an effect on the humidity levels. What if you have a glass lid on your humidor? The impact is generally greater with a glass lid. So, what exactly are you supposed to do if you have trouble keeping your cigars humidified during the cold weather?
One of the best things you can do is to make sure your humidor is also sealed tightly. During the winter, the absence of humidity can be disastrous. If there is a small crease or opening on your humidor, the humidity can escape. When humidity begins leaving your humidor, the wood will begin to contract. What will happen when the wood starts to contract? The humidor's seal will begin to weaken.
You can use a damp towel to clean the humidor's lid. The dampness of the towel will help the wood expand. What if you only need a quick fix? You can place pieces of tape around the lip of your humidor until you can spend more time on the issue. If you do have a glass top, you can use a dollar bill at the front of the lid or around the edges where it closes.
It is important that you take care of your humidor during the winter months. You have made an investment in your cigars, and you do not want to open your box and find that your cigars have been ruined. After all, you are going to need those cigars during the holiday seasons, right?
Contact us today if you need a humidor that will allow you to enjoy your cigars whenever you want, no matter what month it is.