Davidoff Corona Cigar 20th Anniversary FSG Cigars: Exclusive and Special
Posted by Corona Cigar Co. on Jun 29 2017
Davidoff Corona Cigar 20th Anniversary FSG Cigars: Exclusive and Special
Two cigar industry colleagues recently collaborated on a commemorative cigar. Corona Cigar Company, owned by Jeff Borysiewicz, partnered with world-class cigar maker Davidoff to create a 20th Anniversary cigar. The cigar, made with Florida Sun Grown Tobacco (FSG), is exclusive to Corona Cigar Company. Davidoff Corona Cigar 20th Anniversary FSG Cigars are a must for the cigar collector or novice!
Corona Cigar Company's relationship with Davidoff is very strong. The reason for their successful partnership is their shared philosophy of tobacco cultivation and cigar retailing. Davidoff is supportive of the Borysiewicz family's efforts to grow the premium cigar industry and to protect tobacco cultivation. Taking a different direction from the traditional way of growing Florida Sumatra Tobacco, the Borysiewicz's grew their Sumatra without shade. By growing it as a Sun Grown tobacco, the leaves are oilier, a little thicker, and make for a more dominant blend.
Only one crop of the Florida Sun Grown Sumatra Tobacco was grown. Perhaps the best example of the partnership between the Borysiewicz family and Davidoff is the fact that Davidoff's cigar factory in the Dominican Republic is recipient of the crop.
Jeff Borysiewicz could think of no better way to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Corona Cigar Co. By collaborating with long-time industry leader Davidoff, Corona Cigar Co. has something exclusive and special to their brand. For more information and to learn more about this exclusive cigar, contact us today. We love sharing our passion for a great cigar with others!