Davidoff Cigars: Perfect for All Sorts of Springtime Celebrations
Posted by Corona Cigar Co. on Nov 2 2016
Davidoff Cigars: Perfect for All Sorts of Springtime Celebrations
Did you know that Davidoff Cigars are perfect for springtime celebrations? For starters, they’re expertly wrapped and made with premium, aged tobacco. Afterward, they’re lovingly adorned with decorative bands that exude style and sophistication. Plus, some of the bands are already sporting celebratory messages. Let’s take the Davidoff 2000 Tubos “It’s a Girl!” and “It’s a Boy!” cigars as examples. One look at the handmade, 5 x 43 cigars and it will be clear which special occasion is being celebrated. They’re typically sold as singles, packs of four and 20-count boxes. So, parents and grandparents will have a few options to choose from.
Of course, the birth of a new baby isn’t the only reason people will be celebrating in the spring. There are plenty of reasons to light up a fine Davidoff Cigar. For instance, maybe you’ll be moving into a new home, starting a job or finally nailing that promotion. It’s also possible that you’ll get to see your favorite sports team win. Perhaps you'll get married, celebrate an anniversary or buy your first sports car. There are Davidoff Cigars that would be perfect for each of those special occasions. The list of great cigars includes, but isn’t limited to:
- Davidoff Corona Cigar Co. 20th Anniversary
- Davidoff Millennium Blend
- Davidoff Anniversario No. 3 Tubo Cigar
- Davidoff Special Series
- Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour
In addition to great cigars, Davidoff also manufactures a wonderful line of cigar cutters and lighters. So, if you will be attending the spring celebrations of others, remember that those items would make ideal gifts. Our favorites are the company's line of Prestige Lighters and Davidoff Double Guillotine Cutters. To learn more about them and Davidoff Cigars, please contact the Corona Cigar Company today. Your satisfaction is always 100% guaranteed and shipping is free for a limited time only. Order now and have your Davidoff Cigars, cutters and lighters in time for all of the most important spring celebrations.