Davidoff Cigars: Dominican Cigars with Worldly Flavors
Posted by Corona Cigar Co. on Nov 2 2016
Davidoff Cigars: Dominican Cigars with Worldly Flavors
Zino Davidoff, the face of the Davidoff Cigars company, was born in 1906 in Kiev, Russia, to a long line of tobacconists. This family is seeped in generations of tradition and experience in the tobacco industry.
A Move to Switzerland
At the age of 5, his father moved his family to Switzerland. His father, Henri Davidoff, founded Davidoff of Genova. During the war, France entrusted Davidoff with the protection of their Parisian inventory of Cuban Havana cigars, propelling their store into prominence as a new cosmopolitan hotspot.
An Intriguing Invention
As a young man, Zino traveled extensively in Latin America. He eagerly learned all he could about the tobacconist’s rites of passage and the field work. His travels inspired the invention of the "humidor", a humidified box to preserve the richness of the tobacco.
The Tobacco
Davidoff cultivates three main types of tobacco on their farm in the Dominican Republic:
- Olor Dominicano, a light tobacco native to the Dominican Republic
- Pilato Cubano, a powerful Cuban transplant
- San Vincente, a moderate Cuban strain, also transplanted
The Cigars
Davidoff boasts 17 different lines of cigars. These cigars are best grouped by occasion. For a subtle cigar, choose from one of the Timeless Pleasures. Inspirational Pleasures feature surprising combinations of flavors for the curious. The Celebratory Pleasures feature special blends and limited edition cigars. If you would like an adventurous cigar, or something smaller for on the go, the Moments of Escape will have a cigar for you.
For more information, or to place an order, please contact Corona Cigar Co. today.