Cigars and You: How To Ventilate A Man Cave
Posted by Corona Cigar Co. on Nov 2 2016

Cigars and You: How To Ventilate A Man Cave
Ah, the man cave. Your private area, where you can kick back and relax. It might be a small space where you watch football. It might be a larger area with a pool table. Or, it might be in a garage, where you have a decent space to wood work.
Whatever the space of your man cave, it should be a place where you can puff your cigars — otherwise, what’s a man cave for? It’s important, though, to ventilate the area properly if you plan to smoke a cigar, either by yourself or to have stogie-loving friends over on a regular basis. “Properly” usually doesn’t mean opening a window and using a fan. That can be an effective strategy only if you can permanently leave a door or window open (say you live in a warm climate and it’s a garage). Smoke, as soothing as it is, needs to go out eventually.
There are two primary ways to ensure that the man cave doesn’t fill up with cigar smoke. First, you can have a separate ventilation system built apart from the house's main ducts. Many air quality businesses sell commercial-grade systems that take the smoke out of the air, and filters it—and the smell—through carbon. These are the kind of things cigar lounges have. They are expensive, but if you can afford it and have a large space, it’s worth it.
An air purifier is an option that won’t break the bank and will work well to clear the air of smoke. Air purifiers catch smoke through an activated carbon filter. They also create and release negative ions to perk up the air. If you're looking for a quick fix for the smell, try out a Smoke Odor Exterminator Candle that will leave your man cave smelling fresh.
Contact Corona Cigar Co. for more advice on your man cave and if you're looking to learn about great cigar brands that we offer.