Buy Heaven Cigars Online and Experience a Slice of Heaven
Posted by Corona Cigar Co. on Nov 2 2016

Buy Heaven Cigars Online and Experience a Slice of Heaven
Who says that women aren’t making or buying cigars online? Earlier this year, publications like The Washington Times were reporting on the number of women filling their real and virtual shopping baskets with cigars. Plus, there are female cigar makers who have enjoyed much commercial success. One of them is Heather Phillips of Heaven cigars’ fame.
Who is Behind the Sweet Flavors?
She created her cigar business in the 1990s and by 2013; it was acquired by one of the most popular manufacturers in Miami, Florida. Today, sisters and brothers of the broadleaf may purchase Heaven cigars online through our store. They come packaged in charming boxes and attractive bands that are sure to appeal to gents and ladies alike.
When is the Best Time to Experience Heaven?
For the most part, Heaven cigars are full of smooth, mild sweetness held together by Indonesian wrappers. They come in many flavors, including those tailor-made for beach bonfires, summer picnics and leisurely afternoons with the girls at the outdoor café. For instance, a tin of cherub size, Heaven Tropic Splash Cigarillos would be perfect after dessert.
How Much Heaven Can You Handle at One Time?
The cherubs are a dainty 3.5 inches long in a 26 ring guage. They’re sold 10 to a tin. The company also rolls other sizes too. Among them are coronas (5.5 x 46), petite coronas (5 x 30) and shorties (4 x 10). They may be purchased as singles or by the box. And of course tropic splash isn’t the only flavor for ladies and gents to consider.
What Does Heaven Taste Like Anyway?
Our online cache of Heaven cigars is composed of a number of fabulous flavors. The list of others that the ladies may be interested includes, but doesn’t end with cherry, rum, mango, honey, mojito and strawberry banana. Can’t you just imaging puffing on one with a pina coloda or strawberry daiquiri close at hand?
How Do I Find My Share of Heavenly Cigars Online?
To find out more about the Heaven cigar brand, please contact Corona Cigar Company today.