Brand Spotlight: Davidoff Cigars

Posted by Corona Cigar Co. on Jan 4 2018


Brand Spotlight: Davidoff Cigars

Davidoff is one of many cigar brands with a history as rich as its tobacco blend. Based in Switzerland, the company was originally named after its founder Zino Davidoff. He was born into a family of prominent tobacco sellers in 1906, so it was only natural for him to take over his father's tobacco shop in Geneva when he became an adult.

Eventually he decided to expand the family's retail cigar business by releasing his own line of cigars. The company produced its first cigar Zino Davidoff cigar, called Château Latour, in 1946. Decades later, the premium cigar brand is famous for many product offerings, including pipe tobaccos, cigarillos and cigar accessories.

Davidoff cigars are made in Honduras and the Dominican Republic. Previously the company only used tobacco sourced in the Dominican Republic, but eventually they decided to use tobacco from Ecuador, Brazil, Mexico, Nicaragua, the United States, and Honduras. Davidoff Cigars released its Nicaragua cigar line in 2013, making it the company's first product to not use tobaccos from the Dominican Republic. 

As the company grew, it eventually caught the attention of Oettinger AG, an independent Switzerland based company that manufactures Swiss luxury goods. Oettinger AG acquired the rights to the Davidoff brand in 1970. The company decided to launch a cigar line with short fillers called Davidoff Mini Cigarillos the following year. Davidoff Cigars continues to release innovative products today. For example, they released the Escurio line and the Winston Churchill cigar line in 2015. The premium cigar brand also launched the Yamasa line last year.

For more information about Davidoff cigars, please  contact us today.