Are You Ready for October's Best Cigar Brand Event?

Posted by Corona Cigar Co. on Nov 2 2016


Are You Ready for October's Best Cigar Brand Event?

Oktoberfest sausages won’t be the only things smoking in October. We’re expecting a crowd the first weekend of October as cigar brand lovers prepare for one of the greatest experiences since the beer garden, smoking a Quesada Oktoberfest Cigar. Handmade and ready to satisfy fans’ hunger for a mouthful of strong flavors, each seasonal cigar features a puro, Dominican Ciabo wrapper. So they have all of the moxie cigar lovers’ demand from the North Country.

Of course, the Oktoberfest isn’t the only solitary puro in the cigar brand’s collected works. We’ve got Quesada’s Reserva Privada, Jalapa, Espana and Q D Etat in stock for smokers that would like to branch off and explore what else the cigar artisans have to share with autumn buyers. They may be on the sampling schedule during our Oktoberfest cigar event too. Would you like to don a pair of lederhosen or an alpine hat and join us to find out?

No worries, German garb is not required. We’ve got something much more universally loved to help round out the Oktoberfest mood. Yes, it’s fantastic beer from Munich. Normally sold under the Spaten label, we’ll be serving it up along with Oktoberfest worthy cigar brands and feisty chatter on both days.

During Oktoberfest, Corona Cigar Company boasts indoor and outdoor places to enjoy a Quesada masterpiece as well as a cold brew. Spaten’s typical assortment of beverages runs from double bock and dunkel to larger and Oktoberfest styles. Quesada’s cigars, on the other hand, will come to the party wearing many of the bands we’ve already mentioned. So, mixing and matching throughout the two-day event are encouraged. To learn more about Oktoberfest cigar brand events and make plans to join us with or without lederhosen, please contact Corona Cigar Company today.