A Few Of The Davidoff Cigars We Recommend
Posted by Corona Cigar Co. on Mar 21 2017
A Few Of The Davidoff Cigars We Recommend
Davidoff makes world-renowned luxury cigars. These popular cigars are high-grade and excellently manufactured. If you like quality cigars with excellent taste, these are the cigars for you. If you haven't yet tried Davidoff Cigars, here are a few of our favorites for your enjoyment.
The Davidoff Nicaraguan is a part of Davidoff's Discovery Series. The Nicaragua line is the definition of cigar perfection. These cigars start with a light, mellow flavor reminiscent of a warm summer day. Light and airy, the Nicaragua imparts flavors of hay and cedar with just a hint of cocoa and coffee.
In commemoration of their Tampa location opening in 1911, this cigar pays suitable homage to Cigar City. This unique cigar gives off a mild and creamy taste that is quite accessible. This limited quantity cigar is sure to go quickly so make sure you don't miss out!
These premium cigars deliver a truly delightful smoking experience. Featuring a winning combination of hand-selected tobacco and full-bodied flavor, there's plenty here for even the most discerning of cigar smokers. If you like rich flavor, you will love what the Davidoff Royal has to offer.
Davidoff Cigars deliver luxury, quality and superb flavor the world around. If you are looking for a top-grade smoking experience, then you will find what you are looking for in the Davidoff brand. If you are interested in any of these varieties or want to see what else Davidoff has to offer, be sure to check out our Davidoff Selection.
If you have any questions about Davidoff Cigars, contact us today.