Of Checkers and Cigars
Posted by Corona Cigar Co. on Nov 2 2016

Of Checkers and Cigars
Lifting the Davidoff for another puff, you cast a side glance at your friend in the adjacent seat. It's your move, and you both see the opponent thinks he's won this game. However, you also notice the fatal trail he overlooked. As the puff of smooth tobacco flows from your lips, you lift the checker and, one by one, jump through to victory. With a smirk in your eyes, you glance back at your buddy. You have won, and the opponent is none to happy about it.
In July, one would think the warmth of cigars would be overwhelming, but they remain irresistible. Whether Davidoff or Cain Habano, the lure of masculine comfort and camaraderie is as unrelenting as the heat.
With the sun setting and jealous steam pouring from the former opponent, you chuckle and offer him a cigar. His response: "Rematch!" You sit back and light up a new one. Snipping the cap off, you watch his eyes as the foot rolls in the flame. Smoke drifts up, filling the cabana with the familiar warm, sweet, almost woody aroma. As the waves crash on the beach nearby, you wonder if he is actually choosing to set himself up for failure again. "His prerogative," you decide. Extending a cigar one last time, you settle into the same position as before. It is his turn to start, but you remain undaunted, knowing you will head home tonight the proverbial champion.
Corona Cigar Co. makes lighting up and handing out easy. Grab a box of our new Florida Sun Grown (FSG) cigars, relax into these final summer months, and enjoy your coming title of Checker King.