Cigar Samplers: Stay Cool with Bulk Buys and Super Summer Savings
Posted by Corona Cigar Co. on Nov 2 2016

Cigar Samplers: Stay Cool with Bulk Buys and Super Summer Savings
Are you a gambler? Do you like to throw caution into the ash bin and try something new? If so, it may be time to fill your humidor with cigar samplers for summer. They are a perfect way to test out new cigars with friends and we’ve got them for incredibly low prices. For instance, it is possible to pick up a CAO five-cigar sampler this summer for less than twenty bucks!
Plus, we’ve got top shelf, sampler cigars like Gurkha and Montecristo selling for 68% off of the MSRP. And some of the samples come with little extras too, like cutters and ashtrays. So, you just can’t go wrong splurging on a shopping cart full of summer savings. We’ve got a few suggestions that might appeal to the gambler in you as well. Check them out below:
Lucky 7 Cigar Sampler: Do you go ga ga over Gurkhas? Belt out a tune over Boris 11s and cry tears of joy over Coronas? Then consider putting your chips down on our Lucky 7 Cigar Sampler. They are normally a $65 value but we’re taking a gamble and letting them go for less than $25 each. So cash in now before Madam Fortune scoops them all up for herself.
Cool Connecticut Sampler: Are you feeling the heat but aren’t quite ready for the swimming pool? If so, reach for our Cool Connecticut Sampler. As you’ve probably guessed, they’re made with some of the world’s most sought-after wrappers. There are 10 cigars in all and each one will help you chill in style. We promise. Oh, and the price won’t leave your wallet on ice either.
The Best of Corona Cigar: Finally, we can’t help but spotlight The Best of Corona Cigar Sampler. It is one of the best values you’ll find in our entire cigar sampler collection. Why? You’ll get nine kick-butt cigars and two free gifts too. To learn more, please contact us before these awesome samplers are gone.